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Thank you for the hard work you've put into creating such a valuable site! It's awesome! I will use these stories with my godson and his sister when we go on vacation together this summer! There will be many opportunities to use these resources in the future as well! Again I thank you!
Pam Hostetter
The Ten Commandments
This isa real good page of the ten commandments. Iam wondering how can i forward this to my friend in ghana africa
michael morley
The Twelve Spies
How wonderful to be able to use the internet to find such an awesome website. I teach kindergarten age children in the preschool dept. of my church. Your website is so helpful!
Helen Keller
this page is really very good. i appreciate your effort. then too, i n my frnds felt that it was a bit missing. thank u.
Keys to a Successful Marriage
This is a great page. My husband an i abstained before we got married He was 46 and i 35 when we got married. So many people told me i would have to compromise because of my age to encourage men but thank God i stood my ground. Indeed there is respect and love and the eagerness to please each other in our marriage we are best friends and yesterday was our 1st annoversary.
Deborah Sampson
She is my thirteen and i am doing a project on her...this is very helpful!

Bible Stories
this is the worst page ever
tom hague
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
I LOVE THIS SITE!!!! Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions.
The Angelus by Jean-Francois Millet
you say the painting is Millet's, but are you sure? Google has the same painting listed as Van Gogh's.
The Angelus was painted by Millet. If you go to Google search and put in "The Angelus painting" you will find numerous references to the painting attributed to Millet.
I Love this web site. Now that my kids are on vacation everyday we have bible story time with an activitie from your web. to me and my kids have been a blessing. Thank you very much, God Bless you.
Gladys Escobar
Sarah, Wife of Abraham
I love this websites it is realling teaching me alot and i know i have done foolishness and bad stuffs over the past and i hope God will forgive .
Keys to a Successful Marriage
Very good.. I really love all this, it has suh good information.. i just have one concern: the NIV (and other translations) are not the word of God.. the Bible says in three separate places not to take away or add to the Word of God. The NIV and all other versions change so much to make it say what man wants it to say - it's not what God has said (try looking up Acts 8:37, it's a very important verse but you will not find it in most any new versions) The King James Bible is the only Bible that has not been tampered with by men.

Satan seeks to destroy God's word.. and slowly he is being more and more successful..
Song - Peter and John
Thank you for the beautiful song about Peter, we are teaching about Peter for our VBS this year.
The Creation
Im so grateful i found this site God is Good
Sun and Moon Flowers by George Dunlop Leslie
I loved this page as I love the Artist; I have an 18 by 24 framed painting of 2 women feeding geese that I love and had not known much about the Artist
The Ten Commandments
I just want to thank you for allowing us to download these lessons for free. I use them for a bible study I do at an assisted living home. Most the those that come have forgotton many stories in the bible and enjoy this class. You have made them simple for the children but also for the elderly, and then it's easy for them to relate to something in the story. So thank you very much.
Mickey Vaughn
Anthony Van Dyck Slideshow
love you site first off. just wanted to say that one of the names under the one of the paintings is wrong, it says Karl 1,King of England but it should say Charles 1, King of England. Sorry but that kept throwing me off.
Musical Multiplication
We used the musical tables at Maths Machine - they're quite well suited to 7 to 10 year olds and done in a kind of rap style.
Bible Slideshows
Your site is WONDERFUL!!! Thank you so much for providing these beautiful graphics and well-written stories for free. It is hard to find really good pictures for Bible stories and this is so helpful in teaching Sunday School, especially in our day of modern technology when children are in a whole different world than when I was a child. May God bless you for your giving attitude and the many hours I'm sure you must devote to serving Him and others in this way.
Jacksonville, FL
Martin Luther King Jr.
cool! loved the stuff here; glady used it as help for my project
Happy Student

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