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Autobiography of Vera Carrell Griffin
Happy Mother's Day to all. What a warm and beautiful website. Brought back alot of memories. May God Bless you and your family..May the Lord be with you.
granny from georgia
thank you so much!!!!! i was actually in a state of great panic. tomorrow is Lord's day and due to busy schedules i was not at all ready for my sunday school class. i thought of checking the net and bingo i am so blessed. the stories are very precise and written in an easy to tell manner. God bless the wonderful work.
Song Arrangements
This is a very great website!! Bless you!
Anne Frank
I just love this page,about Anne.
Lindsey Pearson
Clara Barton
you should tell us how to site this page in mla format. thanks:)
Song - Peter's Confession
Thank you for this wonderful sight! It is a great resource. Last year I used this song with my class, but this year it won't play! Thank you!

Webmaster's note: Dear friend, send me an email address and I will email the song file to you. Blessings

Helen Keller
heyy guys!
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
This an absolutely wonderful website!!! You are some creative and telented teachers!!! God bless you for sharing!!
The Infant Samuel by Sir Joshua Reynolds
I have found a painting of the Infant Samuel at a sale. It has the frame and on the back it has "The Infant Samuel At Prayer, Sir Joshua Reynolds and National Gallery London. What is something like this worth?
Ten Commandments, Memory Pegs
This page is a blessing and very exciting to me and the children I will teach! Also could you give me some advice on teaching ages3-5 and6-12
Its hard cause some there are pre teen girls and boysw who think the things tought are childish
User Administration
After realizing our Schools do not have time to teach our children much less about God, I took a leap of faith, quit my job, and now am Homeschooling and this site is helping me to build confidence in how to spend my time with my chilcren and what to teach them. Thank you so much
Lewis, B
Sarah, Wife of Abraham
I was looking for an answer from the Lord about Sarah Abraham's wife because someone prayed for me saying I will have the spiit of Sarah and that the Lord will bless me abundantly . Thank you for your comment about Sarah obeying God when He speaks.When He promises you something even if your no longer young in your age. God can do anything!
Madelyn Battle
World War II Experiences
What a fascinating story! Thank you so much for sharing your history.
Paul Before the Governors
Great info - wish you had some printable coloring pictures for younger kids
Deborah Sampson
you should definitely leave the year month and day you published an article at least this proves your human
Thomas A. Edison
Dear Mrs. Stevens,
I am very thankful for finding your webpage. We have been working on a unit about inventors, and your biographies are very useful. We also enjoy the links to the activities.
Thank you for you generous contribution.
Chile Pepper teacher
Ten Commandments, Memory Pegs
I just happen to be searching the Ten Commandment for my children( I am the Children Church Instructor)age: 5 to 12) I really like this web site God continue to bless you and your Ministry
Clara Barton
Thanks helped alot.
Christopher Columbus
Very helpful for my paper. It was easy to read and kid friendly. I learned alot. Thanks alot.
Sidney Crosby
Marie Curie
same as Kristen below. really appreciated this
Da Carnj Man

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