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Florence Nightingale
Awesome sauce. -w-
Annie Oakley
this website is kinda helpful Just to update it a little please put the date it was published cause all there is the year. thankyou!!
Apples and Oranges by Paul Cezanne
I think you need to add more info on how he designed his painting's e.g. apples and oranges please Its for school and lets just say I'm not the best at revising . x
Kirstin McDonald
Martin Luther King Jr.
I <3 YOU!!! =)
Martin Luther King Jr.
THIS IS AN AWESOME SIGHT alot better than all the other sights with tiny words haha!! :) =) :D XD :P :O :* :V =) =) =) <3
Miracles of Jesus
This website has proven invaluable to me in planning the curriculum for the year for our Children's Church Ministry. Thanks so much and may God continue to bless all of your efforts in providing clear and concise presentations for children.
Sis. Beverly Hines
Pieta by Michelangelo
I am doing a project on Rome, and your website provided those interesting details that no one else had. Thanks!!
Gainsborough Slideshow
Thanks a lot, it's wonderful and useful
Laura Ingalls Wilder
What a treasure of information. Thank you so much for putting all of this out here on the web and making it shareable. You are truly a blessing.

My 7 yr old son & I just finished reading the book, "The Long Winter". In your synopsis above with regard to that book, you mention that it was Almanzo and his brother (Royal) that went to get the wheat for the starving townspeople. However, the book indicates it was not Almanzo's brother that went with him; it was Cap Garland (a 19 yr old from town). Just thought I'd throw that out there. :)
Thank you. I have added that note to the Laura Ingalls biograpny.
Ten Lepers
I made a change, I think for the better, to the last stanza of my "The "The Grateful Leper" poem. It now is:

The Grateful Leper
by Ron Tranmer ©

The Bible tells the story
of ten lepers, I recall.
They came with hope in Jesus
and He healed them, one and all.

But only one of them turned back,
and gave thanks on bended knee,
at the feet of Christ who healed him
from his awful leprosy.

Do we show a grateful heart
to our Father up above,
for the blessings that He gives us,
and His never ending love?

Like the returning leper,
may we too, on bended knee,
give thanks to Christ our Savior
who died for you and me.

(Let me know if you think the original was better.)

Ron Tranmer
Ron Tranmer
Ten Commandments, Memory Pegs
Yes, #10 is a diffucult one to follow, especially in our capitalistic society. But it still applies... remember, Jesus commanded us to be IN the world and not OF it. Blessings!
Noahs Wife
I just want to say thank you for creating this web site. It been very helpful with my leading the sunday school at my local. May God continue to grant you wisdom beyound human understanding. I pray that you will not work for God in Vain and may God grant and meet you at the point of your needs. Thanks again.
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thanks for the very helpful tutorial!
Song Arrangements
Hi there,
My son's fourth grade class is doing a Christmas concert, we have the music for it, but for whatever reason we weren't given the lyrics.

If you can find them, that'd be wonderful.

They are:
Part of the Plan
Little Baby Boy
Maybe a stable
Hey, I'm trying to work here
Pierce the darkness

Thanks so much,
Thomas Jefferson
this was a rele good site to help me with a paper fer lang. class fer skl.! (:
billy bob joe bob thorton mary jane
Abraham Lincoln
Christopher Columbus
According to History channel tonight he was supposed to find Opium but found tobacco. ReWrite of History?
The Beatitudes
I actually used this to help me with my college paper. I got an "A". So I just want to say thanks for having this information. It was a big help for when I needed to know what this subject was.
Chowan University Student
Helen Keller
Wow, no offence, but this website kind of sucks. Who made this?? A ten year old? The choice of words is very childish, and whoever wrote this had their information all wrong.I mean "While she was in college she wrote her book called 'The Story of My Life'. With the money she earned from the book she was able to buy a house". Come on!! This sentence could have been written by a nine year old. "She was able to buy a house" Who cares if she bought a house. And you don't even say if it was a big house, a mansion, a small house, etc. Sorry,but I will never visit this website again.
This website was written for children and their teachers. You need to go elsewhere to get the information you require.
Helen Keller
wow..this site really helped including the citation favorite cite thanks for helping getting me an A on my paper(:......absoulutley the best website no doubt about it(: now if only this helped with everything(: thx's a lot

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