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Paul a Prisoner in Rome
Garden of Praise has helped me so much in preparing to teach my Bible classes. I bought a set of the slideshows to use in class. Thank you so much for this wonderful tool.
The Creation
i love it,,i love you god!!!
Ten Lepers
They or both good ! Keep both unless there is a limit on words .
Grammar Songs
there is no sound of words

Email me at patsy_AT_gardenofpraise_DOT_com and I'll send you the songs

Stephen, the First Martyr
Thank you for sharing the Word of God with audio and visuals for children! I am impressed and thankful to the Lord because of the work that you have put together. This is an amazing resource for me I teach the Word to the children and I also happen to love the ARCH books that you advertise.
Thank you so much for making this free and available to all who want to hear. Great is the Lord Almighty's Name!
Claudia Rdz
Pharisees and Sadducees
very good but needs more information on sudducees :)
Keyboard and Music Theory
Hey, look forward to trying this out
Thank you so much
Bible Based Spelling Lessons
you are a blessing from God above. Thank-you soooo very much and kindly for sharing you Godly wisdom with everyone especially me! i really enjoy your site, for i am homeschooling my 17 year old son Bracy and his curriculum calls for him to have bible classes. your site is a God send one! continue to let God use you in all of His ways! Thanks and again God bless you!
The Creation
God bless you so much. I love you <3 i found your website. Thank GOD. Amen.
Mary Jane
The Creation
Im very thankful in this website so much helpful for me and to my kids. Thank God . I love it !
Mary Jane
Stephen, the First Martyr
I am so thankful for this website and the materials available to all. May God bless you for your efforts and selflessness in sharing freely with everyone. Thank You!!!!
coact me if you want for: grainnequinn_AT_live_DOT_com
Stephen, the First Martyr
this story is wonderful and helpful for my revision. Thanks!!!
Meriwether Lewis
very good but why don't you have William Clark?
Jacob's Song
this is my first time on this site. I am so graceful.Being a sunday taecher is sometimes over bearing, it nice to go to a site for fresh ideas. i will highly recommend my friends.
Thank you
Christopher Columbus
Very helpful for my biography project. Thanks!!
God's Exquisite Garden Inspirational Bible Lessons
Hi Linda am RHODA from Kenya am very happy for the efforts you are making to reach out GOD'S gospel,despite the pain you are undergoing daily,may GOD richly bless you.
Song of Joseph and His Brothers
I really think this is a great gift to our children. Thanks for offering this wonderful talent God blessed you with online.
Ten Commandments, Memory Pegs
This site really helped me!! I was having trouble understanding the ten commandments and now I know thanks to this his site. THANK YOU!
Bible Slideshows
I am a pastor and evangelist in this Hindu nation Nepal. I wish I was able to download your slideshows and teach my people who learn by seeing,and less by hearing. Can you offer some for free.
God bless you and yours.
Deepak Shah Shankar
I do not own the copyright to the pictures that are on the Bible slideshows. You can order a DVD of the 100 Bible Slideshows from Gospel Services for $39.99 here:

Introduction to the Keyboard
it is so amazing,the language and the way of teaching are easy for any one to understand and learn quickly.thank you for your free lesson

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