Comments |
Thank you so much for gifting such amazing biblical songs.It is very
helpful.God will give you the rewards God bless you...
Thomas Jefferson
This realy helped with my school assignments on early american history
Zambrano |
Pieta by Michelangelo
nice website
David's Song
hola que hermoso todo el programa, pero no se ingles perfectamente sera que
las canciones estaran en español gracioasDios te bendiga
alejandra |
Harriet Tubman
I luv luv luv harriet tubman!!!! i have a book about her at
my home i luv her
abi |
The V7 Chord
This is absolutely the clearest explanation of moving from the I chord to a
V7. I also had looked all over the Internet and was ready to give
up!! Your explanation was simple and made total sense!!
Kathy |
Marie Curie
This website tells a lot about Marie Curie!
Sebastian |
Song - Peter and Dorcas
Thank you for the dorcas song. I will be singing it to my Sunday school
class tomorrow . I have never heard a song about Dorcas. So you can
imagine how happy I was to find this one . Thank you for going to the
trouble to writing this . Many thanks
Trudi Smith |
Abraham Lincoln
My class loved it. Thank You
Alexander Bahadur |
Meriwether Lewis
Wow, this sight helped me so much with a big research paper I'm
working on. Thank you so much garden of praise!
Samantha Hartig |
Ascension Song
This is perfect for my Children's Church class! Thank you!
Tammy Huffman |
The Syndics of the Clothmakers' Guild by Rembrandt van Rijn
good lesson learned alot
yandyyanks |
Ludwig van Beethoven
This is the best website I visited for Biographys! Thanks!
thanks a lot |
Ludwig van Beethoven
Thanks! I am able to write my biography now. At first, I didn't
know all this. Know, I am a whiz!
Catsrule24 |
Sojourner Truth
Nice, and very informational. forgive me tho
Paul in Damascus
Wow! Lots of work went into this! I appreciate your work. God bless
you and your family!
Keys to a Successful Marriage
I absolutely love this site! My husband and I have been married for 17
years now, and we have always made it a point to put God first in our
marriage. Our marriage is so good, and it's thanks to God! I agree
with all these keys to a successful marriage. It boils down to knowing and
ACCEPTING your God given designed role for each spouse. When each person
knows their role, accepts it, and performs it, only a great marriage will
result. If anyone reading my comment wants to further understand more
details, I recommend the book The Christian Family by Larry Christenson.
Shana |
Christopher Columbus
great work. that's it
notbob |
Gideon's Song
Thank you for this page. I have to take a lesson for kids, I’m not
proficient but GOD asked me to speak from Gideon, but I wanted some
resources and found it here. It is really helpful. Thank you GOD Bless you
more and more.
Song of the Triumphal Entry
This is a wonderful way to sing praises to our Lord. God bless whoever made
this & thank you.
Call me Ty |