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Creation Memory Pegs
I discovered your website searching for Sunday School lessons for children but spent the entire day reading it for myself. What a blessing your website it and how greatly it will help me teach my small class of 6-10 year olds. Thanks so much and God Bless!
Thank you so much for your kindness on producing this page also in Spanish. I've been looking for 2 years for something like this. My wife & I started a ministry in the Dominican Republic and we are having more children than we would've ever imagined. I've been worry as to how to produce enough Sunday school materials to keep them interested; not anymore, thanks to your site. It will be a blessing for our young ministry and our Spanish speaking children. God bless you always..!
Orlando Sanchez
Abraham Lincoln
Great to learn from. I'm doing a project that includes Lincoln so this is great!
Keyboard and Music Theory
Wonderful Article...Thanks a Lot Mrs. stevens for setting this up. CHEERS
Sojourner Truth
Amelia Earhart
I had to do a project and the video about Amelia is outstanding! Thank You! And God bless Amelia wherever she is!!!
Benjamin Franklin
this was alot of help
The Last Match by William Small
What is the worth of this print? It has been in my family for fore generations. Vicki O'Nan
I searched for the print on EBay and found several for $10-$14.

The Gospel Train - SEA
Thank you for this very nice lesson on the parables.
P.S please make the activities online.
Parable of the Talents
Im glad your site is available, we just starting are children's ministry and the information that has been provided has helped me Greatly!!! What a Blessing
T Jackson
first i would like to say thank you this suite is a perfect resource for our small church bible study for young children, the children now enjoy coming to class to see what they will be study on week after week thank you helpping us teach GODS blessed word
teresa davis
Tongues of Fire
Thank God for this website, it helps a lot!
Grace Angeline
Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci
Loved it! Thanks for the facts!
Blade Avery
Major Scales
Can you tell me the minor scales please? Mary
If you go to Google search and put in "minor scales" you will find a lot of information about minor scales.

A Highland Funeral by Sir James Guthrie
I remember looking at this painting when I was a child with my dad. We just gazed at it and both of us really took in the painting, the expressions on the faces, particularly what we thought (near the coffin) was the father and son perhaps? Btw, my dad had a sister, Cathy who I never met and she had a daughter called (well hope I'm remembering correctly, from my late mum telling me she had been speaking to someone at a family funeral, called) Zena? :-)
Barbara Rose
Bible Slideshows
Your slideshows have been used in the past to enhance our Sunday School lessons but now we cannot access them. As a Sunday School teacher, I'm very disappointed in this decision.D. Gerbrandt

The Bible Slideshows are still available online at Garden of and Bible Lesson

D. Gerbrandt
The Conversion of Saul
Thank you!
Martin Luther King Jr.
I have a paper due in this class from focus and i can't seem to find something about his brothers and sisters :( not that i need it,but its called____and his sisters and brother couldn't got the park or the movie theater or even ride elevators with white people...( Im in New tech and this is for my focus class ) Thx!
Marie Curie
This is a great website. Thank you!
Free Children's Bible Songs
These are great resources for our children in their Wed. program. Thank you so much.
Mrs. Barb

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