Comments |
terribel, just terrible, it didnt help me at all
joe the foe |
Sharps and Flats
at least i learn something in music.
kevsdelmoro |
Alexander the Great
Uhm, I have a really major question and I need a reply but I was looking
for what types of landforms the Empire had and I couldn't find any
results online to help me with it! Are there even really landoforms in
Alexander's Empire???
Leah |
God's Exquisite Garden Inspirational Bible Lessons
Thank you so much for the bible lessons that you have posted on this
website. You hold nothing back and you deal with the issues. I am currently
using Lesson 31 on self-control to be stronger in my walk with The Lord as
well as a better wife and mother. Thank you again and God Bless!
Chandella Long |
George Washington Carver
I wish that there was a work cited so i could easily cite this.
Theodore Roosevelt
Very IFormatoin\
Amelia Earhart
Thanks for the info! I Have To Do A Project On Famous Aviators So I
Chose Amelia Since Shes Such An Amazing Person! <33
Ashley |
Art Slideshows
Thanks for the data base of famous artists works.
michael nsimbi |
Chord Numbers and Inversions
this is so beautiful i cried
Paul a Prisoner in Rome
Garden of Praise, may God bless you for what you have done, I have tried to
find a way of teaching my children in a simple way and i struggled but you
are the answer ......thank you so much
Gospel Train - The Life of Christ
I have just found and saved these learning tools. They look very user
friendly and I look forward to working with my family. God bless you and
magnify your efforts for His kingdom.
Joanna |
The Child Jesus
Really God take care of me via the kind of you, Thanks our Lord Jesus !
Djoko Hartono-Indonesia |
John the Baptist
Thank you so much for these pages and the print out feature, it is a
blessing for my children when they have to do memory verses and
presentations for schoolwork!
Liz, New Jersey |
The Beatitudes
Very useful. The language and explanations are just right for the age group
that I teach. Thank you.
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
Really an amazing experience to see these pics.great job done by all the
members . Teacher Incharge DRA DAV public school ,atta,goraya INDIA
Mrs. Monika Sidana |
Introduction to the Keyboard
that was easy for now what is it gonna be like when i start learning full
mindless babe |
Helen Keller
pretty good :)
God Bless the Children
Thank you for this lovely song. I am taking it to Papua New Guinea for the
priest to use during Children's Celebrations and in my Rotary Aid
Program with Elementary teachers. Thank you
Miracles of Jesus
thank you so much for this information may the Lord richly bless you
i am a kindergatten teacher at my church adn am kindly asking
for donations its either in form of biblical books , charts or any thing
that can draw children closer to God
thank you once again. my
address is below 5569 Murabi East Mutare Zimbabwe
Mercy |
Alexander Graham Bell Museum